NameRhoda Warman
Birth MemoEstimate
OccupationNail maker (1863)6594
EducationUnable to sign name6594
Residence25 Nov 1863, Catshill, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire6594
Birthbef 19 Apr 1815, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire6586
Baptism19 Apr 1815, St. John The Baptist’s Parish Church, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire6586
Marriage23 Nov 1863, Christ Church Parish Church, Catshill, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire6594
Family ID5552
Notes for Charles & Rhoda (Family)
Charles Dipple, a nailor age 48, was a widower when he married Rhoda Dean, a widow of full age and also a nailor. Charles Dipple signed the register and Rhoda Warman made her mark. The marriage was witnessed by Noah Warman and Maria Wood who both made their mark