The Family Tree of Arthur Kynaston Lammas and Doris Eva Davies - Surnames
AAdams, Adshead, Ainley, Albutt, Allen, Allies, Allport, Allsop, Andrews, Anslow, Archer, Ashcroft, Ashfield, Ashmore, Atkins
BBaker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Banks, Banner, Barnett, Barraclough, Barrett, Bassett, Bate, Baulch, Baylis, Bayliss, Beaman, Bedden, Bedford, Beech, Bell, Bennett, Benton, Beresford, Bhalla, Biddle, Billingham, Binner, Bird, Blackband, Bloomer, Blower, Bloxham, Booker, Bott, Bound, Bourne, Bowater, Bradley, Brain, Brenner, Brettle, Brewer, Bridgewater, Brierley, Brighton, Britton, Broadbent, Brodie, Brooke, Broom, Broomfield, Brothwood, Brown, Buggins, Bullock, Burdet, Burford, Burman, Burrows, Burton, Butler, Buttler, Byng
CCameron, Cardo, Carpenter, Carr, Carrington, Carroll, Carter, Cartwright, Cave, Chadder, Chance, Chandler, Chapin, Chapman, Checkett, Chesterton, Child, Chinn, Christmas, Civiter, Clarke, Clayton, Cleaton, Clemens, Clements, Clifford, Clissett, Cockett, Cole, Coleman, Colin, Collins, Commander, Condlyffe, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corbett, Cotterill, Cotton, Court, Cox, Crane, Crawford, Crew, Crisp, Crockett, Cross, Crump, Curry
DDanby, Danks, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Day, Deakin, Dean, Deeley, Devey, Diaper, Dipple, Dolphin, Dorrell, Drew, Drury, Duffill, Dunn, Dyer
EEades, Eales, Easey, Eborall, Edginton, Edkins, Edmonds, Edwards, Elcock, Elkington, Ellison, Emery, Etheridge, Evans, Evers
FFaithful, Fearn, Fenn, Field, Fisher, Flavell, Fletcher, Floyd, Forsdyke, Foster, Fox, Freeman, Frith
GGardener, Garfield, Garlick, Garrett, Gateley, Gibbons, Gibson, Giles, Gillard, Gillespie, Gittins, Goode, Goodman, Gossage, Gough, Gould, Gower, Graham, Grainger, Gray, Grazier, Greaves, Green, Gregory, Greswold, Griffin, Griffiths, Grove, Guest, Guise, Gully, Gunnel, Gwynn
HHadley, Haines, Hall, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Hanks, Hanson, Harbach, Harbage, Harber, Harbin, Harding, Harford, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartle, Hasledine, Hathaway, Hatton, Hawthorne, Hayes, Hazlewood, Head, Healey, Heath, Hemus, Henderson, Hicks, Higgins, Hilborne, Hill, Hind, Hinton, Hobbis, Hodgekiss, Hodges, Hodgets, Hodgkiss, Holden, Holliday, Holmes, Hoomans, Horne, Horton, Houghton, Houston, Howe, Hubball, Hughes, Huins, Humphery, Husband, Hussetter, Hyde
JJackson, James, Jansen, Jeffery, Jelfs, Jenkins, Jewsbury, Johnson, Jones, Judson, Juggins
KKeating, Keatley, Kelly, Kember, Kendall, Kendrick, Kenwrick, Kettle, Kimberley, King, Kings, Kite, Kitsell, Knattress, Knight
LLamb, Lammas, Lane, Lanford, Langley, Langstone, Laugher, Lavender, Lawley, Lawrence, Laws, Layton, Lea, Ledbury, Lee, Lees, Leggett, Leonard, Lewis, Liddell, Liddle, Little, Lloyd, Loade, Loode, Louch, Lowe, Lucas, Lund, Lune, Lunn, Lynes
MMacBride, Mace, Maddocks, Mallinson, Manders, Manning, Mansell, Mansiri, Marston, Martin, Maskell, Mason, Matthews, Maund, Maunders, McCleery, McKenzie, Meacham, Meader, Mence, Meredith, Middleton, Miles, Millinchip, Millington, Milner, Milward, Mitchell, Mole, Monahan, Monkton, Moore, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morrice, Morris, Morriss, Mountford, Muchall, Mugg, Munn, Mutton, Myatt
NNaish, Nash, Newman, Newnham, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nickless, Nicklin, Nock, Nokes, Norris, Nowell
PPalmer, Palser, Pardoe, Parker, Parry, Parsonage, Parsons, Parton, Pass, Payne, Payton, Pearsall, Pendrous, Penny, Penrice, Peplow, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Perrygrove, Petford, Phillips, Phipps, Phipson, Pinfield, Pitt, Plant, Podmore, Pontefract, Porter, Potter, Powell, Pratt, Preece, Prescott, Price, Pugh, Purbrick, Pyatt
RRandall, Randle, Rathbone, Raybould, Rea, Read, Reddy, Reeves, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Rickus, Roberts, Robeson, Robinson, Robson, Roe, Roeland, Rogers, Rolfe, Rollason, Roper, Rose, Ross, Rowbotham, Rowles, Rutter
SSale, Salisbury, Salt, Sanders, Sandiford-Kaye, Saunders, Savage, Scrimshaw, Scriven, Scrivens, Seal, Seavill, Sewell, Seymour, Sharratt, Shaw, Shingler, Silvester, Simmonds, Simpson, Sines, Skeggs, Skelding, Skelton, Slater, Smale, Small, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Southall, Spence, Spencer, Spilsbury, Sporton, Stackhouse, Stanton, Stephenson, Steven, Stevens, Stevenson, Stocks, Stokes, Stone, Street, Styler, Suckling, Suggitt, Sutton
TTansell, Tarren, Tatler, Taylor, Tedstone, Tempest, Thomas, Thompson, Tidmarsh, Tilsley, Tilt, Tolley, Tonks, Topliss, Towers, Trantor, Trapp, Tremlett, Tricklebank, Troth, Trow, Truman, Turbill, Turnage, Turner, Tustin, Tweedy, Twissell
WWade, Wagstaff, Wakefield, Wakeman, Waldron, Walker, Wallis, Walters, Wanklin, Ward, Wardle, Warman, Warren, Washbrook, Waterhouse, Watton, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webley, Webster, Wedgbrow, Welden, Wells, Welsh, Wesson, Westerman, Westwood, Wheeler, White, Whittle, Whore, Whyment, Wigley, Wilcox, Wiles, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Winnall, Winning, Wood, Wooddin, Woodier, Woods, Wooman, Workman, Worrall, Wragg, Wright